Thursday, August 23, 2012

Episode 14 with Lady N

Another twisted episode with Lady N, covering all subjects from bad ass kids, bad parenting, my 3rd grade teachers tits, the NDAA, how a congratulatory note to a mask company got a idiot caught, sex in front of your family members at the turn of the last century, infamous snake biter, teen pregnancy, & a game I like to call “Where were you when this song came out & what were you doing?” There’s other  shit too but tired of typing already.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher & itunes

Sunday, August 12, 2012

C.O.C.P. Monthly Motivational "SO what!? Just do it!"

First of all, I want to spread a special personal thank you to all the supporters of what it is I’m trying to do with everything, and without you guys, I cant continue to grow, and make this grow.  Lets keep motivating each other, and making things happen together.  I enjoy what I’m doing, glad you all enjoy it, and the encouragement from you guys goes a long way.  THANK YOU!

Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast 
“Monthly Motivational”

So what!? Just do it.

    Do you ever have one of those days, where you begin to reflect on where your life is, and it hits you like that annoying neighbor kid who cant ever throw a baseball straight growing up, but decided to bounce it off your dome that one fateful afternoon he decided to throw that perfect fastball…WTF am I doing?  Why am I here?  I’m not where my heart wants to be, or doing what I want to be doing.  It comes without warning, whether your on a shit job, in a crap marriage, more moneys going out than coming in, and then the ever so popular epiphany creeps up on you as you look at the muck you don’t recognize in the mirror, why be miserable and broke, or on the flip side miserable and paid, when I can be happy with something I’ve always wanted to do, money or not as much money?

    Lets be real, sometimes those questions can seem delusional to those trapped in the matrix.  You know the ones, with a well paying job that gives them a life expectancy of dying before retirement, literally or figuratively, a wife, 2 kids, a dog, 2 car payments, expensive mortgage, and a girlfriend on the side threatening to knock on your door and tell your wife.  We all know those guys, or the alike.  Us working layman’s see it all the time.  Trapped between four walls, pacing and back forth waiting on that damn bell to re-release us back into a couple hours of freedom before we have to eat, wash our ass, and do the same bullshit tomorrow. When you ponder over these things, those unplugged so to speak cant help but feel and think, is this it?  What’s the fucking point?  Men on average live until they’re 74, then dirt.  The working class now cant retire until 68, that’s if your 9 to 5 didn’t kill you first, or you move like Herman Munster on greasy linoleum.  Here’s the problem, even when you have a moment of thinking such questions and scenarios, it all centers around the base thought of, how do I change it?  What do I do?  How do I go about this?

    Anyone with a cerebral cortex has had these moments, but not many have had the testicular fortitude and brass to make the sacrifices, or changes needed to pursue whatever it is they want to do that brings them joy and happiness.  Yes we all have responsibilities, but nobody enters into this world without them.  Once you hit the standard age of 18, we all got them.  My girlfriend and I have a 15 year old son now that’s scared of the unknown that lye’s ahead in 3 years.  He has aspirations of going straight into college, which is great, but another part of me wants to tell him go work a shit job for a year then come back and talk to us on what you really want to do, ready to do.  I don’t know if your like me, but when I was 18, I didn’t have a clue on what I wanted to do, and had a eunuchs virginity when it came to the what mindset to have in ‘the real world.’  To me, yet extreme, it would scare a lot more sense into him and mold his perspective.  Though I honestly wouldn’t expect that of our children, I want them to see shit for what it really is, and avoid snapping out of a trance at 35, still lost on who the hell they are, unhappy with their overall decisions.

    Many of us have to endure a lot of hardships in life.  Life can throw a shit bag of problems on you, and before you know it, your caught with one of your thumbs in your mouth, the other up your ass, without a hand to scratch your head to think with.  What are we doing to motivate ourselves, to achieve our goals and ambitions, even if slowly, unknowingly but surely, as an example for our kids and young people in the world to follow?  Better late than never!  Why not show them success and what it takes, instead of telling them, expecting them to listen? We can talk until were blue in the damn face like our parents and mentors used to, but if your telling your daughter not to be a stripper, not to fuck for money, and go out and get a education when your changing boy friends from the bar every 3 to 6 months, most likely you’ll get a resounding fuck you, and a slap in the face when you wake up in horror in your club stench and see your daughters positive pregnancy test on the sink.

    Does this make you a bad parent?  Person?  In my opinion, not always.  Bad decisions, yes, but not always a bad person.  None of us are perfect by a long shot, and the first perfect person to walk the earth fucked us all.  So why hold yourself to such unreasonably lofty expectations?  Why let the opinions of other dick licks deter your own determination, and self opinion?  Why let the world and its hypnotizing mental conditioning effect the way you view the way your currently living, to the point of feeling like a failure from a public stand point on what‘s socially acceptable?  All of us fart, shit, piss, have morning breath, boogers and flaws, so why not worry about yourself instead of what other nasty homo-sapiens think about you and your so called “status” in life?

    Have you always wanted to be that doctor?  Lawyer?  Teacher?  Painter?  Musician?  Porn star?  Own your own business?  Work for yourself?  Have that bikini car wash on sunset?  If so, what’s stopping you?  The biggest excuse I run across, and have been guilty of myself is, I’m too old, lost and don’t know how or what to do?  Yes this may be true in some instances, but if you didn’t know how to mop a floor, and your standing there with mop and bucket in hand, though sloppy as your mopping skills may be as your slinging water everywhere, before you know it, even if done without any sort of elegance, you’ve mopped the floor muthafucka!  Goal done.  Who cares how others view your path, decisions, or sacrifices to your dreams and goals, long as you achieve them, that’s the biggest reward, whether the road traveled was smooth or bumpy like cottage cheese on display at a swimming pool.

    One of the things I’m learning myself in my personal pursuits of starting and continuing this podcast, recording music, work, and my pursuit of Martial Arts, is to become successful no matter what it takes. Despite the fact that I myself at times wonder what the hell I’m doing, I’m still in the process of just doing it.  Then who knows, before I know it, I’ve looked up and thought wow, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, nor can I explain this, but its working and I‘m doing it.  I’ve learned you cant worry about other peoples opinions on what decisions you make, the sacrifices you’ve made, the losses you may take.  Go for broke or be broke is my motto.

    Regardless of the trials set before us, don’t give up your fight, for what you want, for what will make you and your loved ones happy, what you believe will work and believe in in general.  No ones going to see your aspirations and dreams the way you truly do.  So those who are closest to you, worry about making them the believers, especially if they’re a strong, motivational, sacrificing cast as you are.  Stay humble in your directions, take notes, even embrace the embarrassments and losses, learn to appreciate the lessons in them, because once you hit your goals, you can turn around, look back, and tell one hell of an amazing story on where you started, where you were, and how the fuck you got to the top of your game!  We learn more from losses than gains, so rely on those you trust, to pick you up and keep you going.  Use that as ammunition as you continue on.

    You can look at countless articles, listen to endless amounts of material of successful people in different facets throughout the world, reflecting back on their own incredibly challenging roads on how they’ve got to where they are.  Why would any of us who don’t feel successful, be any different from what many before us have had to go through?  Some have lost families, jobs, homeless, divorced, drugged out parents, no parents, you name a scenario, someone’s been through it and overcame it somewhere, and attained a lot of success, and is proud to motivate others by sharing their stories, reminding those of us who may be a little lost, down and out, that it can be done with patience and persistence, perseverance and positive focus, despite negative conditions.  So no matter how much you listen to or read inspirational material, without application of that in your pursuits, your missing out on the best parts, and failing to see  the true essence of why individuals establish them for our own interpretations and fuel for getting it crackin!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Episode 13 with Misled

Back & forth episode with my sister in Staten Island, Misled, jumping from everything to rap battles, URL, KOTD, Summer Madness 2 predictions, world domination, raising women, tattoo fuck ups and cover ups, anger management, funny memories, shout outs,  upcoming projects, musical break featuring her & myself, in addition to a big announcement!

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher & itunes

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Episode 12 with Me, Myself, & I

A.D.D. episode with yours truly, talking about gambling monkeys, bachelors degree in bra studies, diving from space, tampons, twilight, zombies, and much more nonsense.

CLICK HERE to listen/DL

Search "Cypha Omni" on Stitcher Smart Radio or itunes Store.