Monday, December 10, 2012

Episode 23 Scotty Jones Roast

(12/8/12) The live taping of the Roast of Scotty Jones, owner of The Port of Wichita.  Special thanks to the audience, Scotty Jones himself, Port staff, Raquel W, Matt N, mystery tranny roaster, & all the supporters of the night.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

Monday, November 12, 2012

Episode 22 with Lady N

Ridiculous late night episode with me & my other crazy half Lady N.  We talk about the legalization of marijuana, December 21st 2012, Don Ray Walton’s inspired message to the human race about the coming of aliens from aliens, the supernatural, our game plan for the zombie apocalypse, bonus recording of Lady N’s list of things she’d do to me if she were to die first & haunt me, how aluminum foil is your best defense against alien invaders, & much more.  This is a new recording format we’re trying out that’s still a little buggy, so forgive us from the 25min mark through to the 28min mark, the sound gets muffled after I asked Lady N to man the controls, & well, you know haha!
“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Episode 21 (Guest on Nick McEwen's InSpace Podcast)

Cypha Omni joins us for a drunken episode, plus a sneak peak at Nick McEwen & The 33s new recording of "I Know Nothing" set to release Dec 22nd 2012........

Thanks to Nick & the whole InSpace podcast crew, also available on itunes & youtube

"Cypha Omni" Comedy Podcast on stitcher/itunes/youtube

Saturday, November 3, 2012

C.O.C.P. Monthly Motivational “If the world has you by the throat, knee it in the jewels!"

The Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast can be found on Stitcher, itunes, podOmatic, & youtube

Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast
"Monthly Motivational"

“If the world has you by the throat, knee it in the jewels!”

     Now ill be the first one to admit that life often sucks a bag of dicks.  It was brought to my attention not long ago by my brother, Bloody Hands, that life is cylindrical. A cycle standing vertically.  This can be seen in every law in nature.  Moving bodies of rock, metal, & ice spin around in a giant vortex of stars & galactic matter, spiraling around super massive black holes, all the way down to when you flush your tampons & toilet paper.  The point he was making, sometimes your on top, but expect the unexpected things that life flings at you to knock you down.  Whether its financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, were all involved in this infinite cycle of ups  & downs.  The question now remains, once you obtain this realization & enlightenment, what next?  Just expect to be shit on?  Kicked while your down?  In my opinion, yes & no.

    I was always taught growing up as well as through experiences, to always make it a point to laugh no matter how fucked your day is, & to never let the stress of things that are beyond your control consume you in a quick-sandish quagmire of fresh compost, just waiting to fill your life with more blended gallons of cow patties to deal with. A lot of times we hear people preach about being optimistic, positive energy, fill your time with hobbies you enjoy, yada yada yada.  But who has time right?  Job, kids, animals, bills,  etc. I don’t know if you feel like me or not, but I don’t have time to take yoga & pottery sculpting to sooth my spirits.  On the flip side, we make time to drink, smoke, bullshit around.

    Why not take that time you planned on hitting the bar with your buddies, and hit the gym an hour or two before you guys hook up?  Take that jiu-jitsu class you’ve been blowing off, even if its just one night a week?  Why is it wherever our happiness lye’s , we lack to make enough time for it, or no time at all?  The problem with us, especially in America, is many of us our guilty of not being as productive, goal oriented, or try to take on way too much at any one given  time, me included.  Prioritizing, simplicity, determination.  All these things & more play a severe role in how we handle each day, especially in a world designed to keep us trapped, manipulated, & in some cases abused by a system of laws that leave a mass majority of us fucked off.  News, media, entertainment, all depict a vivid portrayal of what life should be, what your life should look like, & anything less is a failure.  I look at it like this, just because your broke, doesn’t make you poor, & just because you may be a millionaire, doesn’t make you rich.

    Now I’m not the most spiritual man in the world, but I believe some holy texts when it says things along the line of ‘put your trust in god’ & staying positive, do onto others what you want done to you, and your rewards will be a lot greater in the afterlife because all the things we suffer from in this world is merely a test & temporary.  Whether this is true or not, we’re all going to find out some day, but until then, what are we left to do?

    Life sometimes seems like a series of guessing games, moods, unforeseen events, & tragedies.  I know for me, some days are harder to wear a smile on my face than others, which makes it a daily process to find the positives in your day.  Take time out to look around, thank the higher powers that be, & appreciate the people & little things we all take for granted.  Air, sun, the fall/winter colors in the sky, your woman when she bends over in a thong, your child knocking out someone for the first time, all these things are beautiful.

    I know I’m not perfect by a long shot, & very guilty as much as anyone else for not always having a positive outlook on things.  It seems easier to reside in darkness. Sometimes I want to say fuck it all, grab me & wife a one way ticket to hobo-ville & become Native American hippies, smoke hash, have a threesome with peyote, & become a tie die activist who lives off traveling like David Carradine teaching people Martial Arts & Jeet Kune Do philosophies. But where’s the reality in that?

    Being alive today isn’t easy, but think about how shitty being alive just a couple centuries ago was?  No internet, no phone, no facebook, strip clubs & dildos, no ER so whatever plague came along such as chicken pocks & common colds, guess what, dirt nap.  No running water, no showers, toothpaste, or shaved monkeys.  Now you may be thinking, Cyph I feel you man but I live in 2012 mofo!  Yes, yes we do, but we’ve got it a lot better than many other unfortunate countries that are also in 2012.  Being insensitive to this fact automatically means your lost, unappreciative, spoiled, & need some old school rain fire & brimstone down from the sky humbling that Sodom & Gomorrah got.  Whatever you appreciate this morning, can be gone this evening, & some of us cant live with the thought of the last thing you may have said or done to that person was negative, half hearted, or you didn’t give your all when giving him the last blow job hell ever have before getting t-boned by an alien spacecraft on the way to working the night shift, & instead of reporting to your boss, your looking at St. Peter & his pimpness.

    I, more than anyone, has to continue to check myself, my attitude, constantly, because no matter how much I bitch, moan, & complain, feel shit isn’t fair, I look at my family & realize, I’ve been blessed with a second chance at it, try to always do your best, & if your best isn’t enough, accept what you cant contain or control, & keep mushing on, learn in the process, & try to better the next day.  Life likes to slang dick without astroglide, & will submit you, ONLY if you let it happen.  But you might also be thinking, Cyph, the more I put up a fight, the more life fights back & bites me in the ass. DUH! Just like fighting your ex, if you call him ugly, most likely, he’s going to call you ugly, followed by being a emotional bitch who cant function with a hot dog to go with your buns.  Sounds like life?  Hey, you punch someone in the face, expect them to punch you back, unless you knock that sucker out, then on to the next fight.

    Yes ladies & gentlemen, life is a constant battle. If the world has you by the throat, knee it in the jewels! Has you in a choke hold, head butt that asshole until its nose explodes, or you both have cranial fractures. Compare it to drops of water, trickling against a large stone or rock.  Eventually over time, even those weak drips of water will eat through the stone, & open up new flood gates of adventures. You win some & you lose some, but living to fight another day, goes from being bittersweet to being a champion in your own world of realization, inner peace, & broader perception.

Episode 20 with Nerve / Chilla Jones vs. JC (URLTV)

A split podcast with returning guest Nerve from Sharp State of Mind Radio, touching on different aspects of battle rapping, UFC, weed, & more. The 2nd half right at the 30min mark, Chilla Jones vs. JC from the URL. In my opinion the hottest battle all year.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Episode 19 with my Dad & Chris (Pt.2 of 2)

If you thought part 1 was bad, strap in for part 2, with my Dad on his birthday. The more beer, the more bizarre. We talk about everything from bad ass kids, “black comedy,” complaints about his wife (my mom) and the condition of society. Oh, to all you Paul Gilmartin and Paul Thorn fans, this ones for you.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

Episode 18 with my Dad & Chris (Pt.1 of 2)

I drop in on my Dad on his 51st birthday, doing what we do, sitting out in the driveway like Friday, talking shit, raising hell about any and everything. Discussions on weed, beer, comedians, actors, racial profiling, women, you name it, we went there. Now you'll get a taste of where I get most of my A.D.D. insanity from. Part 2 gets a hell of a lot worse haha. Happy birthday Pop!

"Cypha Omni" Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

Friday, September 7, 2012

C.O.C.P. Monthly Motivational “Fatherhood…Where’s the f*ckin joy eh?"

The Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast can be found on Stitcher, itunes, podOmatic, & youtube

Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast
"Monthly Motivational"

“Fatherhood…Where‘s the f*ckin joy eh?”

    Ah, the joys of parenting.  Un-flushed toilets, swallowed toothpaste caps, endless loads of laundry, crayola montages of Sponge Bob & Dora on the walls, after school activities, 3 month old cereal bowls under the bed, the bringing home of colds, flu’s, and Amy showed her tanky during show & tell.  Most of our children, safe to say, are exposed to more shit than we can ever imagine these days, through the un-driven force of mainly the internet, movies, & music.  So where do we draw the line?

    Call me a bad father, but in some cases I don’t.  My name may be Omni, but I’m not omnipresent, so how the hell are we able to monitor our kids 24-7, 365 1/4th’s days out of the year?  We cant.  That’s why I will be campaigning & emailing out petitions this November to obtain my own U.S. drone just for spying on my bad ass clan of puberty filled, think they’re grown miscreants.  Seriously, if you have a open line of communication with them, which I encourage, they will come up to you & ask you some of the most ridiculous shit, some things I just figured out myself about sex within the last 6 months!  Damn your in the 4th grade, what do you mean your teacher has had DP?  Its on youtube!?  Now if the teachers hot, maybe you can let that one slide especially if your 4th graders a boy, or you want your daughter to go lesbian, but honestly, children are subject to way more misinformation, or too early information before they see they're first tax return. 

    Its incredible, & sometimes down right unthinkable, to know what our children are exposed to, so its no wonder when they get to the phase of talking back before slapping their faces into micro-particles, they’ll on occasion throw us for a loop with a rebuttal you only found out later they got from an episode of iCarly or Family Guy.  What now besides beating that ass?

    Call me old fashioned, but I go Major Payne on that behind with a mixture of Pretty Boy Floyd just to add to the excitement. Jab to the jaw, then pimp walk out their room yelling money team!  This most of the time goes into play when Lady N is played against me or visa versa, or I have to say NO more than once.  Who said “because I said so” isn’t a good enough excuse for your children?  Shit, let the cops pull these future idiots over & arrest them.  Think they’ll get an explanation then?  9 times out of 10, probably not until you see that grumpy old fart with a penis pump behind his podium Monday morning.

    Its going to be up to us to set the record straight with our children.  Since they’re exposed to so much reality, if you’re a parent with half a brain they are & not sheltering them into pussies for the world to devour, then give them some hard knocks of life at home.  Beating a lot of kids nowadays wont do the trick as hard headed as some of them are, but lord forbid you take away their iphone, DS, or ipod, it might as well be Armageddon to their pagan influenced adolescent world. Hell, make them do some good, back breaking, old school chores like change the water heater out of grandmas attic, or sweep the carpet with a half bristled broom.  What happened to those days?  Mop the floor with a rag & bleach water.  Sit on the porch under some shade with headphones & a ice cold glass of water as they whine while mowing the lawn in August.  Get on their facebook pages & post pictures of them cleaning up their bio level 5 of a room for their friends to see.  You call it mean, I call it parenting.

    On a serious note, don’t hesitate to let your children know you do love them, & not just at bed time.  Its ok to hug them too.  Many of today’s youth have it pretty rough.  Most homes are single parent homes, most of the time dads not around, sucks as an example, or lacks the brass to be responsible, which makes it even more difficult to raise your kids, especially if you’re the step parent.  Some situations are forced, but most aren’t.  That’s not to say to friend your kids, but be authoritative, yet knowing when to shatter their ear drums before a WWE beat down, or when to just sit & talk about whatever may be on their under developed, half a cranial hemispherical, think they know it all minds.  Establish a ground for a balance of both.  Doing activities together I’ve learned has had a big plus in establishing & maintaining a sense of where they are mentally & emotionally, & keeps communication pretty open.  Even cleaning together, even if your drill sergeanting that ass in the process, eventually breaks some ice & gets those little flappers flowing, of course after they bitch & a ass whooping at times.  Eat at the table as a family, ask about their day, see what little Johnny meant when he told your daughter to ‘blow his poison.’  Find out what that BS means, & explain why phrases like that will get a foot so far up that ass, doctors & surgical teams will have to amputate your leg up to the hip as they lay in their kiddy casket funny.

    Bottom line, take time out to really get to know the demon spawns your once young, dumb, adolescent self made.  Constant frustration is the key to failure.  When those moments happen, there’s a time to fill your hand with baby powder & pimp slap them in front of target, & a time to let it slide so they can bust their ass & come back crying to you as you yell I told you so while grabbing the belt to finish the job.

Episode 17 with Rockers & Comedians! (Mr. Tamer, Mo Jo, DC, Pesty)

Song writer, musician, & vocalist, Mr. Tamer, CEO of The Zero Game drops by with Singer/Stand-Up Comedian DC & his girlfriend to shoot the shit, talk music, collaborative projects, funny inside jokes, & later in the program, incredible musician, performer, & vocalist Mo Jo makes a great late appearance to perform two live acoustic covers on the podcast, as well as bash women’s unshaved monkeys, & a horrifying story centered around carpet munching & jolly ranchers, & more!

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/Youtube/PodOmatic

Episode 16 (Some Best Of'z)

Thank you for all the love and support! Here's some best of clips taken from a few episodes. To catch or DL older episodes, visit

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/Youtube/PodOmatic

Episode 15 with Kids (KJ & J-Mac)

A migraine inducing episode with 2 of my & Lady N’s kids, KJ & J-Mac, asking about school, how they think they’re grown, sex, chores, farting, laughter, discipline, & just over all how fuckin bad they are, and reaffirms even more why we constantly hate children, & much more of I don’t know what the hell this is episode.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/Youtube/PodOmatic

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Episode 14 with Lady N

Another twisted episode with Lady N, covering all subjects from bad ass kids, bad parenting, my 3rd grade teachers tits, the NDAA, how a congratulatory note to a mask company got a idiot caught, sex in front of your family members at the turn of the last century, infamous snake biter, teen pregnancy, & a game I like to call “Where were you when this song came out & what were you doing?” There’s other  shit too but tired of typing already.

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher & itunes

Sunday, August 12, 2012

C.O.C.P. Monthly Motivational "SO what!? Just do it!"

First of all, I want to spread a special personal thank you to all the supporters of what it is I’m trying to do with everything, and without you guys, I cant continue to grow, and make this grow.  Lets keep motivating each other, and making things happen together.  I enjoy what I’m doing, glad you all enjoy it, and the encouragement from you guys goes a long way.  THANK YOU!

Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast 
“Monthly Motivational”

So what!? Just do it.

    Do you ever have one of those days, where you begin to reflect on where your life is, and it hits you like that annoying neighbor kid who cant ever throw a baseball straight growing up, but decided to bounce it off your dome that one fateful afternoon he decided to throw that perfect fastball…WTF am I doing?  Why am I here?  I’m not where my heart wants to be, or doing what I want to be doing.  It comes without warning, whether your on a shit job, in a crap marriage, more moneys going out than coming in, and then the ever so popular epiphany creeps up on you as you look at the muck you don’t recognize in the mirror, why be miserable and broke, or on the flip side miserable and paid, when I can be happy with something I’ve always wanted to do, money or not as much money?

    Lets be real, sometimes those questions can seem delusional to those trapped in the matrix.  You know the ones, with a well paying job that gives them a life expectancy of dying before retirement, literally or figuratively, a wife, 2 kids, a dog, 2 car payments, expensive mortgage, and a girlfriend on the side threatening to knock on your door and tell your wife.  We all know those guys, or the alike.  Us working layman’s see it all the time.  Trapped between four walls, pacing and back forth waiting on that damn bell to re-release us back into a couple hours of freedom before we have to eat, wash our ass, and do the same bullshit tomorrow. When you ponder over these things, those unplugged so to speak cant help but feel and think, is this it?  What’s the fucking point?  Men on average live until they’re 74, then dirt.  The working class now cant retire until 68, that’s if your 9 to 5 didn’t kill you first, or you move like Herman Munster on greasy linoleum.  Here’s the problem, even when you have a moment of thinking such questions and scenarios, it all centers around the base thought of, how do I change it?  What do I do?  How do I go about this?

    Anyone with a cerebral cortex has had these moments, but not many have had the testicular fortitude and brass to make the sacrifices, or changes needed to pursue whatever it is they want to do that brings them joy and happiness.  Yes we all have responsibilities, but nobody enters into this world without them.  Once you hit the standard age of 18, we all got them.  My girlfriend and I have a 15 year old son now that’s scared of the unknown that lye’s ahead in 3 years.  He has aspirations of going straight into college, which is great, but another part of me wants to tell him go work a shit job for a year then come back and talk to us on what you really want to do, ready to do.  I don’t know if your like me, but when I was 18, I didn’t have a clue on what I wanted to do, and had a eunuchs virginity when it came to the what mindset to have in ‘the real world.’  To me, yet extreme, it would scare a lot more sense into him and mold his perspective.  Though I honestly wouldn’t expect that of our children, I want them to see shit for what it really is, and avoid snapping out of a trance at 35, still lost on who the hell they are, unhappy with their overall decisions.

    Many of us have to endure a lot of hardships in life.  Life can throw a shit bag of problems on you, and before you know it, your caught with one of your thumbs in your mouth, the other up your ass, without a hand to scratch your head to think with.  What are we doing to motivate ourselves, to achieve our goals and ambitions, even if slowly, unknowingly but surely, as an example for our kids and young people in the world to follow?  Better late than never!  Why not show them success and what it takes, instead of telling them, expecting them to listen? We can talk until were blue in the damn face like our parents and mentors used to, but if your telling your daughter not to be a stripper, not to fuck for money, and go out and get a education when your changing boy friends from the bar every 3 to 6 months, most likely you’ll get a resounding fuck you, and a slap in the face when you wake up in horror in your club stench and see your daughters positive pregnancy test on the sink.

    Does this make you a bad parent?  Person?  In my opinion, not always.  Bad decisions, yes, but not always a bad person.  None of us are perfect by a long shot, and the first perfect person to walk the earth fucked us all.  So why hold yourself to such unreasonably lofty expectations?  Why let the opinions of other dick licks deter your own determination, and self opinion?  Why let the world and its hypnotizing mental conditioning effect the way you view the way your currently living, to the point of feeling like a failure from a public stand point on what‘s socially acceptable?  All of us fart, shit, piss, have morning breath, boogers and flaws, so why not worry about yourself instead of what other nasty homo-sapiens think about you and your so called “status” in life?

    Have you always wanted to be that doctor?  Lawyer?  Teacher?  Painter?  Musician?  Porn star?  Own your own business?  Work for yourself?  Have that bikini car wash on sunset?  If so, what’s stopping you?  The biggest excuse I run across, and have been guilty of myself is, I’m too old, lost and don’t know how or what to do?  Yes this may be true in some instances, but if you didn’t know how to mop a floor, and your standing there with mop and bucket in hand, though sloppy as your mopping skills may be as your slinging water everywhere, before you know it, even if done without any sort of elegance, you’ve mopped the floor muthafucka!  Goal done.  Who cares how others view your path, decisions, or sacrifices to your dreams and goals, long as you achieve them, that’s the biggest reward, whether the road traveled was smooth or bumpy like cottage cheese on display at a swimming pool.

    One of the things I’m learning myself in my personal pursuits of starting and continuing this podcast, recording music, work, and my pursuit of Martial Arts, is to become successful no matter what it takes. Despite the fact that I myself at times wonder what the hell I’m doing, I’m still in the process of just doing it.  Then who knows, before I know it, I’ve looked up and thought wow, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, nor can I explain this, but its working and I‘m doing it.  I’ve learned you cant worry about other peoples opinions on what decisions you make, the sacrifices you’ve made, the losses you may take.  Go for broke or be broke is my motto.

    Regardless of the trials set before us, don’t give up your fight, for what you want, for what will make you and your loved ones happy, what you believe will work and believe in in general.  No ones going to see your aspirations and dreams the way you truly do.  So those who are closest to you, worry about making them the believers, especially if they’re a strong, motivational, sacrificing cast as you are.  Stay humble in your directions, take notes, even embrace the embarrassments and losses, learn to appreciate the lessons in them, because once you hit your goals, you can turn around, look back, and tell one hell of an amazing story on where you started, where you were, and how the fuck you got to the top of your game!  We learn more from losses than gains, so rely on those you trust, to pick you up and keep you going.  Use that as ammunition as you continue on.

    You can look at countless articles, listen to endless amounts of material of successful people in different facets throughout the world, reflecting back on their own incredibly challenging roads on how they’ve got to where they are.  Why would any of us who don’t feel successful, be any different from what many before us have had to go through?  Some have lost families, jobs, homeless, divorced, drugged out parents, no parents, you name a scenario, someone’s been through it and overcame it somewhere, and attained a lot of success, and is proud to motivate others by sharing their stories, reminding those of us who may be a little lost, down and out, that it can be done with patience and persistence, perseverance and positive focus, despite negative conditions.  So no matter how much you listen to or read inspirational material, without application of that in your pursuits, your missing out on the best parts, and failing to see  the true essence of why individuals establish them for our own interpretations and fuel for getting it crackin!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Episode 13 with Misled

Back & forth episode with my sister in Staten Island, Misled, jumping from everything to rap battles, URL, KOTD, Summer Madness 2 predictions, world domination, raising women, tattoo fuck ups and cover ups, anger management, funny memories, shout outs,  upcoming projects, musical break featuring her & myself, in addition to a big announcement!

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher & itunes

CLICK HERE to listen/DL

Twitter @cyphaomni "Cypha Omni Podcast"
FB @ Cypha Omni

Monday, August 6, 2012

Episode 12 with Me, Myself, & I

A.D.D. episode with yours truly, talking about gambling monkeys, bachelors degree in bra studies, diving from space, tampons, twilight, zombies, and much more nonsense.

CLICK HERE to listen/DL

Search "Cypha Omni" on Stitcher Smart Radio or itunes Store.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Episode 11 with Nerve

Great episode with an old friend, OG, host of Sharp State of Mind Radio in Cali, old school rap battler, Nerve! We do a Sonnen Silva recap, Martial Arts, Hip Hop, Rap, women and they're unshaved monkeys, rappers over the age of 35, how weak music is these days, along with shout outs to Sacred Society heads, and much much more!

Episode 11 with Nerve

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Episode 10 with Lady N

Hilarious episode with, once again, my other half, talking about non-sense like the gay dream she had of me, 50 shades of gay, palm reading, how bad she wants a puppy, and how her daughter is a closet eater, and tons more ridiculousness.  We also introduce the world to her father, Mr. Red Solo Cups. Be sure to follow me on twitter at cypha omni podcast, & cyphaomni on facebook and request to join the cypha omni comedy podcast group!

Listen/DL:  Episode 10 with Lady N

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Episode.9 with US Vet Chuck Money

Great episode with one of my good friends who serves our country (USA) in the military. We talk about that, and the aspects of sacrifice, dedication, and whats its like to be in the heat of battle, amoungst other things. We also go into the infamous 'unshaved monkey' incident, how were affliated with the Sacred Society, URL battles and some drunken stories. Filled with craziness! Also listen at the very end to catch where to support him in his upcoming jiu jitsu tourny!

Click to listen/DL: Episode.9 with US Vet Chuck Money

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Episode 8 with Tammy Jones

Amazing friend, spoken word artist, poet, writer, producer & publicist, whew, Tammy Jones of Hip Hope (CEO) joins me for indepth discussions about writing, performing, other poets, in addition to producing her own work and artists, old times, and of course my rambling self in the mix! Watch out for the heavy east coast accent itll bite'chya!

Click to listen/DL: Episode 8 with Tammy Jones

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Episode 7 with ME, MYSELF, & I

Ok Cyphaholics, this is everything me, me, & oh yeah me! A.D.D. as hell episode going into things like cougars, robots, facebook statuse,s zombie apocalypse, and girl scout cookies. I also leave a parting pimp slap to the supreme court, & much more silliness!

Click to listen/DL: Ep.7 with ME, MYSELF, & I

Episode 6 with Corey Young C Rolfe

Inspirational episode with reknown drummer, producer, CEO of Commission Entertaimnet. We reflect back to the days of having one piece of foam and a microphone in a shed all the way into our own studio and all the successes its brought from the highs and lows, the good and bads, happys and sads, but its all good now! Enjoy!

Click to listen/DL: Ep.6 with Corey Young C Rolfe

Bonuscast: Sh*t Black Mothers Say

Dedicate 7 minutes to the women who molded you into who you are today...A fuck up!

Click to listen/DL: Bonuscast: Sh*t Black Mothers Say

Episode 5 with Sifu 'Rico' Bell

Everything Martial Arts my fellow fight fans! Sifu 'Rico' Bell delves over the phone into the world of Martial Arts, MMA vs Traditional M.A. predictions on Sonnen Silva 2, and much more, and of course craziness insues.

Click to listen/DL: Ep.5 with Sifu 'Rico' Bell

Episode 4 with Lady N

Were baaaack! The artist formerly known as Lady X is now Lady N thanks to Bloody Hands for obvious reasons haha. The interracial odd couple are back at it with women bashing, how kids continue to suck, what she would do if president, how white guys cant dance. RIP to her pet fish she had a funeral for...smdh

Click to listen/DL: Ep.4 with Lady N

Episode 3 with Bloody Hands

Incredible podcast with living lyrical legend Bloody Hands. We touch on everything music. The condition of rap in particular, battle rap leagues, old school rap vs the new school, and much more. We also touch on questions involving his Islamic beliefs, how women play games, and how crazy children can be ruining happy hour.

Click to listen/DL: Ep.3 with Bloody Hands

Episode 2 with Jerard

Histerical episode with my ridiculous brother in crime. General discussions on everything that doesnt make sense, bruce lee, women, bud light platinum, unshaved monkeys, and old school music. A complete cluster fuck of stupidity haha!

Click to listen/DL: Ep.2 with Jerard

Episode 1 with Lady X (Pilot)

Comedic episode highlighting the interracial silliness between I and my other half! This episode received a ton of buzz that has propelled my podcast into what it is now. Check it out and remember to laugh bitches!

Click to listen/DL: Ep.1 with Lady X (Pilot)