Monday, July 15, 2013

Episode 29 with Lady N

You guessed right, were not dead. Sorry to disappoint you. Silly as always podcast with my other half Lady N as we discuss the Travvon Martin verdict, children, how summer ruins every parent 3 months out of the year, dude selling his wife's wedding ring, and much more A.D.D'edinesses.

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C.O.C.P. Monthly Motivational "Where are your priorities? (Trayvon Martin R.I.P)"

The Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast can be found on Stitcher, itunes, podOmatic, & youtube

Cypha Omni Comedy Podcast
"Monthly Motivational"

"Where are your priorities? (Trayvon Martin R.I.P)"

    As many of us have witnessed by now, unless your heads so far up your ass your nose is turning your inny into a outty, we received the “not guilty” verdict in the Martin - Zimmerman case.  People have varying opinions, views, and I’m not siding one way or the other, generally speaking.  My attention, as well as your attention, should be directed towards what Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulto, Trayvon’s parents, have to live with and endure the rest of their lives, knowing their son is gone, will never return, and the man who took their son’s life, gets to walk away as a free man, with the same gun, only to possibly do something this senseless again.

    Take this time and opportunity to sit with your kids, if you haven’t yet, and explain to them the gravity of this terrible tragedy. Ask them how it has effected them and their friends.  Just explaining the rights and wrongs of this situation isn’t and wont be enough, because  in the reality of it all, this is a corrupt society and system we live in. Things don’t always play out to be fair, and it can just as easily be any of our children tomorrow.  Sad but sobering truth.

    Its so easy for us to fixate on the negative of this case. The racial profiling, stereotyping, hate, bigotry, homophobia, and so forth.  The ignorance of a grown man walking around playing top flight security with a loaded gun, no matter his ethnicity, should be enough to outrage any community.  The unfortunate dilemma, is many of our immediate and local communities have these irresponsible, chip on their shoulder, bullied as a kid assholes who feel justified in not only their arrogance, but have yet to acknowledge their stupidity to the point of getting proper help.  Look, if your wanting to be Walker Texas Ranger, go through the proper courses to become law enforcement or military. Too many of these undiagnosed psychological nut jobs go without being confronted about their actions, ignoring the safety of others, and as a result, lives inexplicably become ruined or lost.

    No parent wants to receive that cold knock at the door,  or chilling phone call, that one of their children lost their lives, especially to senseless acts of violence or eh hmm cough snort excuse me SENSELESS ACTS OF SELF DEFENSE, that’s more like it.  What business does anyone have shooting an unarmed individual? Last I checked, even cops lose their jobs for shooting an unarmed suspect, and Trayvon was far from a suspect., which leads me into saying this…

    Explain to young people why this case should really resonate in their lives, whether your kid is a victim of bullying for any reason, or a leader who can set an example and protect their fellow peers from being bullied and harassed.  Many times, shit like this only hit’s the fan on a major scale, because a lot of times in my opinion with regards to Zimmerman’s case, he most likely grew up being stereotyped because of being a minority, and most likely got bullied and harassed through a good portion of his developmental stages, unattended to, only to let that level of hatred and ignorance fester up in him to the point he took a 17 year old young mans life.  Where are your priorities as parents? Students? Teachers? Family?  Instead of devoting energy into the hate part of this sad occurrence , lets focus our attention on what causes bullshit in the world like this to happen, where it starts, and what we can do, no matter our stations in life, to raise social awareness, and change the lives of many just by taking a stand. Hey, you never know, that one problem child in your neighborhood you don’t see a bright future for, may become a success and thank you later because you were the one responsible individual who took the time to say: Hey lil fucker! Bring yo lil ass over here for a minute. Let me holla at ya!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Episode 28 with current SCS MMA champion “Jei” Jeimeson Saudino

Originally recorded 4/12/2013

Great podcast with current SCS MMA champion Jei Saudino, beginning with the announcement of his decision to try out for The Ultimate Fighter Season 18 next week, his predictions about the TUF season 17 season finale on April 13th, his picks for UFC 159 coming up April 27th, his beginnings in Brazil, what brought him to America, his start into MMA, his training, preparations for fights, what fighters he admires and why, and many more jewels of knowledge for the casual to avid MMA fan.

Special thank you to Jei Saudino

Jei Saudino on Facebook & Twitter

“Cypha Omni” Comedy Podcast on Stitcher/itunes/youtube

Episode 27 with Me, Myself, & I

Originally recorded 4/8/2013

Cypha Omni returns in solo fashion, giving updates & shout outs, pushing positivity, touches on sensitive subjects as marijuana use in additiion to his stance on homosexuality, UFC 159, the VFC, Iceland stopping gay porn, Kim Dong Goon, & much more a.d.d.edness!

"Cypha Omni" Comedy Podcast on Stiticher/itunes/youtube